Stormwater Fees

The District’s interior storm drain system consists of channels, drains, pipes, and pumps which redistribute excess water across the system, allowing all property owners to put their land to beneficial use. These storm drain systems require a significant amount of maintenance. Interior storm drain infrastructure services vary for properties and regions. As described in the image, this is reflected in the stormwater service fee.
The Stormwater Fee funds the interior drainage system’s continued operation and maintenance, including:
• Maintenance of ditches and canals, including silt and debris removal to maintain capacity.
• Vegetation management within the canals, and mowing of the canals and interior levees to ensure flood safety and reduce fire hazards.
• Pump station repairs, operations, and replacement.
The fee will be levied annually commencing with FY 2023/2024 and continued every year thereafter. The maximum annual rate is subject to an increase of 2% each fiscal year over the prior fiscal year’s maximum annual rate.