Staff Spotlight - Q&A with Ron Peterson, Flood Operations Specialist

Flood Operations Specialists provide inspection, maintenance, and repair of levees, canals, and pump stations. This includes monitoring levees, canals, and other elements of the District’s flood control system to identify and report safety and levee stress issues.
Here are a few Q&As Ron provided:
Q: How many years have you been with the District?
A: I have been with the District for almost 23 years.
Q: What is your typical workday like at RD1000?
A: District maintenance including spraying for weeds in our waterways and roadways.
Q: What do you love about your job?
A: Working with my hands and working outside. I like feeling I'm doing something positive for the District.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
A: Being with my family.
Q: What is one thing people should know about the District but likely do not?
A: What RD1000 does as a whole with the few employees we have. Keeping the Natomas Basin from flooding in strong winter storms! Our team is responsible for pumping out over 55 thousand acre feet of rainwater and protecting the Basin from billions of dollars in catastrophic damages. Our watchful eyes and reinforced levees help keep us all safe in the Natomas Basin.