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Natomas Levee Improvement Project - April 2021


Natomas Levee Project—U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 

Goal:  Complete levee improvements started by SAFCA/State to provide Natomas Basin at least 200-year flood protection

Project Status:  Project is fully authorized by Congress (2014 Water Resources and Reform Development Act).  Appropriations are made on an annual basis

Cost Sharing Partners:  SAFCA (local) and Central Valley Flood Protection Board (State)

Operation and Maintenance Responsibility:  Reclamation District No. 1000

Construction Status:  See Construction Phasing Map

April 2021 Status:

Reach A

  i.      The Corps is completing the final construction plans for bid.  The District is working with the Corps on final design and specifications for Plants 1A and 1B modifications including limiting plant outages during construction to insure the District’s safe operations during flood season.

  ii.      SAFCA has acquired most of the necessary right of way including 5 homes upstream of I-80 and 7 homes downstream. Structure demolition is anticipated this summer.  The remaining trees on land still being acquired will be removed in December 2021.  

  iii.      Contract award is still scheduled for September 2021 with cutoff wall and adjacent levee construction starting in spring 2022. The Corps anticipates three years to complete Reach A including Pump Plant 1A and 1B modifications.

Reach B

  i.      Construction (weather permitting) continues on Reach B including relocation of the Riverside Canal and replacement of other Natomas Water Company facilities and levee construction south of Powerline Road. 

  ii.      Work at Pump Plant 3 including replacement of the outfall pipes and removal of the deep gravity pipe will commence April 15.  Garden Highway will be closed due to this construction; the Corps has notification signs posted.

  iii.      The project to close the I-5 window crossing the Sacramento River is out for bid; bid opening is April 13.  Construction should commence by June 1 and be complete by December 2021.

Reach C

  i.      The Reach C project is complete, and the District is providing the operation and maintenance.

Reach D

  i.      The contract for reconstruction of Pumping Plant 4 has been awarded to Syblon Reid and the Notice to Proceed issued.  Construction will begin in April 2021.   

  ii.      The Corps is working on the package to turn the previously completed levee improvements in Reach D over to the non-federal sponsors (and RD 1000) for operations and maintenance.

Reach E

  i.      The Corps is working on 95% plans which are due in July.  The current schedule is to award the contract in July 2022 (construction 2023 and 2024); though the team is looking to expedite the schedule to be completed in 2023.

  ii.      SAFCA and State DWR continue working with the Corps to identify the necessary rights of way needed for construction.  The ROW take letter will be sent to the State and SAFCA by the end of April. The proposed borrow site has changed to the NBC Frazier-Bianchi site. 

Reach F

  i.      Comments were submitted by the District/State/SAFCA in March on the 35% plans.  The Corps will be conducting a Value Engineering Study the week of April 5.    The 65% plans are due in June 2021.   RD 1000 is coordinating with SAFCA, DWR and the Corps on a final design water surface profile as well as channel improvements south of Sankey Road to address potential overtopping during the 200-year flood.

  ii.      Current plans propose levee widening and potentially limited cutoff walls.  Current schedule is unchanged with Contract Award in 2022 and construction in 2023 and 2024.

Reach G

  i.      Comments were submitted by the District/State/SAFCA in March on the 35% plans.  The Corps will be conducting a Value Engineering Study the week of April 5.    The 65% plans are due in June 2021.   RD 1000 is coordinating with SAFCA, DWR and the Corps on a final design water surface profile as well as channel improvements south of Sankey Road to address potential overtopping during the 200-year flood.

  ii.      Current plans propose levee widening and potentially limited cutoff walls.  Current schedule is unchanged with Contract Award in 2022 and construction in 2023 and 2024.

Reach H

  i.      Levee work has been completed for the season and the project has been winterized.   Patrol / maintenance road grading, fence relocations, and restoration of East Levee Road will recommence in spring 2021.

  ii.      The District is working with SAFCA on modifications to Plant 8 to mitigate reduced capacity impacts due to the raised discharge pipes and minor impacts from the damaged pipes at pumps 6 and 7.  The work will require replacement of one or more pumps/motors and will be implemented upon the completion of the Reach H Corps project. 

Reach I

  i.      Construction of the cutoff wall has been completed and project finalization and turnover to SAFCA and the District is in progress. 

  ii.      Design for the Reach I Contract 2 to construct a patrol / maintenance road and perform levee slope flattening has been awarded to HDR Engineers.  The Corps is coordinating with SAFCA and the State on necessary ROW acquisition.  If the ROW can be acquired, the project could go to construction by late 2021.  If ROW acquisition is delayed, the construction will also be delayed.

Other Projects

  i.      Plant 5 Replacement: Design for Plant 5 replacement has been awarded to HDR Engineers.

  ii.      Highway 99: Design for the closure of the Highway 99 at the Natomas Cross Canal will be awarded to HDR Engineers in April 2021.

For additional updates on the Natomas Levee Project go here and sign up for the Army Corps mailing list.